Jim Bray's Car & Tech rants - publishing online exclusively since 1995

"The Consumer's non-technical Guide to Today's Technology"

Welcome to TechnoFILE!

DO YOU BREAK OUT IN A COLD SWEAT WHEN TRYING SOMETHING NEW ON YOUR PERSONAL COMPUTER? Does the idea of programming your VCR cause you to tear out your hair? Do you want to get a compact disc player, but figure you might as well wait because they'll be better and cheaper -- or obsolete -- next year?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above questions, then "TechnoFILE" may be just what you've been waiting for. "TechnoFILE" is a "consumer friendly" publication in which we can tackle all the "gee whiz" aspects of today's home and office technology, without getting bogged down in the nuts and bolts that have so many people ready to throw their high priced high tech equipment out the front window.

In "TechnoFILE," we look at all aspects of audio, video, home theatre, computers, gadgetry, etc. that's constantly being invented to change our lives (with luck, for the better). All this stuff is supposed to make things easier for us, and sometimes it does. But too often it does the opposite, whether through fuzzy design, unnecessary complication, or just plain silliness on the part of some designers.

Technology for the non-technologically-minded!

Here, we assume you don't necessarily know or care about what makes a piece of equipment work. Though that's obviously important information, the average consumer doesn't care about it. Nor does he or she need to.

Instead, what "TechnoFILE" will focus its magnifying glass on is "what does this thing do? Does it do what it's supposed to? Is it worth the money?" Oh, and "Is it neat?" For the average person, these are far more important questions than "what type of digital filter does it have?" Let's face it, you don't have to understand an internal combustion engine just to drive a car!

Here are some of the things you can expect with "TechnoFILE:"

  • Interesting tidbits about new products and/or technologies
  • Hands on, non-technical "test drives" of today's high tech toys, from VCR's to computer software.
  • Opinions on what is, and isn't, worth considering when it comes time to plunk down your hard-earned, after tax dollars
  • Guidelines you can use when shopping for electronic components, from speakers to big screen TVs and computers.
  • Helpful hints about using your electronic toys and tools.
  • Definitions of some common terms that might have confused you.
  • ...and much, much more!

These, and other, features will expand as TechnoFILE grows, so come back often, stay to your heart's content, have fun, and make your voice heard.

A home for "technophobes"

"TechnoFILE" is a whole new concept in interactive "infotainment," designed for people who aren't computer or audio/video experts. It's a place you can find out what's new, without needing to enroll in school again.

And there's more...

We also want to spark discussion, through reader forums, answer questions and concerns, and have fun playing with all these neat new toys. If you have an area of concern, or just a gripe, please let "TechnoFILE" know. And let us know how we can better serve you!

Why TechnoFILE?

TechnoFILE was born out of a frustration that there's so much hype and misinformation out there that it's hard to buy a gadget and be sure you're getting one that's good for you. "TechnoFILE" can't promise you an electronic marriage made in heaven, but it can point you in the right direction and help you make your own buying decision without your eyes glazing over in the store, marking you as a prime target for salespeople.

As you can see, "TechnoFILE" is different from the run-of-the-mill stereo, video, or computer magazines. Its focus is on the human side of technology, which makes it a fun and easy way to keep informed about the ever-growing multitude of gadgets that are changing both our lives and our society.

Enjoy! And let us know what you think!

Jim Bray

Jim Bray,
Editor and Publisher

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