The murders we get to witness are brutal and violent, but other than those brief but scary scenes we're never beaten over the head with the violence and, in fact, it's done quite tastefully, all things considered. Instead, director Fincher builds a suspenseful tale that, at some points, just may have you yelling "Don't go there!" or "Don't do that!" at some of the characters on screen.
Besides his great use of suspense and an overarching feeling of dread, his casting is also outstanding, and the actors get to play characters that change over the course of the film. Gyllenhaal starts out as a bit of a flake, insecure in his gig, but as he becomes obsessed with finding Zodiac he risks losing everything important to him, from his job to his family. Okay, maybe still a flake, but...
Downey is famous as a drugged out character in his own right, and his character is a drugged out boozer as well; maybe that's a reason why Downey's portrayal is so great: or maybe it's just that this guy can act. During the course of the movie his character, who at one point is threatened by Zodiac, descends from being a low rent WoodStein of Watergate fame to a pitiful has been.
Ruffalo has perhaps the most frustrating role, not so much for how he must portray his character, but for the compromises and sacrifices his character has to make if he's to keep his career on track. He's a cop in the real world with real world responsiblities beyond an old case that, frustratingly, has never been closed.
And watch for Charles Fleischer, the voice of Roger Rabbit, in a small but quite appropriate role.
Do we get a happy ending? We won't spoil your enjoyment of the film by letting you know (news junkies may already know how it ended in real life, but that doesn't necessarily mean the story didn't get Hollywoodized - and we aren't going to spill the beans).
The DVD is presented in either anamorphic widescreen, 16x9 TV compatible, or Pan&Scan, under separate cover. We got the widescreen version, fortunately, and the picture quality is top notch, with rich color and exemplary sharpness and detail. This comes in handy in a film that has a lot of scenes set at night.
Audio is Dolby Digital 5.1 surround and it's also very good.
Our copy didn't come with any extras, other than a couple of trailers (one of which is for the upcoming Director's Cut Edition, which is kind of a kick in the pants to everyone who buys this one!).
In the meantime, if all you care about is the movie, we recommend this one highly.
Zodiac, from Paramount Home Entertainment
157 min. anamorphic widescreen (2.35:1, 16.x9 TV compatible), Dolby Digital 5.1 surround
Starring Mark Ruffalo, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey, Jr.
Written by James Vanderbilt, directed by David Fincher
Jim Bray's columns are available through the TechnoFile Syndicate.