xXx: Director’s Cut
Vin Diesel plays the “anti-Bond” in this rollicking spy
yarn that draws liberally and unashamed from the classic spy movie franchise.
Diesel is Xander Cage, an “adrenaline junkie” who’s
part athlete, part showman, and part self-anointed judge/jury/vigilante. We
meet him as he pronounces and performs sentence on a California state senator
he deems is “a dick” (and from the brief bit we see of the pol he may
be right) by stealing and wrecking his car in a most spectacular fashion.
Xander, known to his friends as “X,” is recruited by the
tough as nails agent Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) who gives him the
choice of becoming a secret agent or going to jail (tough decision, eh?) and
puts him through a couple of life-or-death tests to see if he has the right
stuff to out-Bond James.
Well, as it turns out, X lives for the stuff they put him through
and is subsequently sent into action in the Czech Republic, where a group
called Anarchy 99 is up to no good.
It’s classic spy stuff, without breaking any new ground, but
made fresh by X’s anti-establishment character and Diesel’s strong
portrayal of the hero. The stunts are big and spectacular, the cars are fast
and furious and the women typical of the genre.
Rob Cohen’s direction is fine for the most part, but we
noticed that you have to sit through every big stunt from every angle at which
it was filmed and this not only slows down the action but tends to desensitize
you from its excitement. Perhaps they had to justify the expense of having all
those cameras around by making sure the footage made it to the final
We also had problems with the score. While some of it is classic
symphonic stuff, a lot of it is hard driving techno and though in places it was
necessary for the story, in other places it just gets in the way rather than
enhancing the mood unobtrusively.
Still, none of this makes the movie unwatchable and, instead, help
showcase the fact that this is meant to be “not your ordinary Bond
So fans of the genre will undoubtedly enjoy XXX. It has
explosions, fast cars and fast women, big guns, and a megalomaniacal villain
worthy of any Bond movie.
The new director’s cut of the film runs eight minutes longer
than the theatrical release, and seems to include every scene that was deleted
from the original version. In the eight minutes, we’re treated to several
more seconds of unnecessary (but welcome) titillation, a bit more with the
Ivans, and most notably, a three-minute scene with Xander and a young-ish boy
on an airplane. This scene is a noteworthy inclusion because it was deleted
from the first film for several reasons, including pacing, time, and the fact
that it makes Xander Cage look like a pansy. And it was rightfully cut.
Audio and video transfers appear to be the same as on the original
DVD release, with the new scenes fitting into the picture seamlessly.
For the most part, the extras are the same as well, with the
exception of a couple of bits related to the new xXx sequel. First up is a
four-minute short titled “The Final Chapter: The Death of Xander,”
which justifies having a new actor in the title role this time around by
killing off Xander Cage in a way he’d have had no trouble getting out of
in the movie. There’s also a behind-the-scenes sneak peek at the new film,
plus a scene from it.
The xXx director’s cut is yet another example of marketing.
The new version is not as enjoyable as the original, and it serves merely as an
excuse to promote the theatrical sequel. If you already own either previous
version of the DVD, there’s no reason to purchase the third.
xXx: Director’s Cut, from Columbia Tristar Home
132 minutes, anamorphic widescreen (2.40:1) 16x9 enhanced,
Dolby Digital 5.1
Starring Vin Diesel, Asia Argento, Marton Csokas
Produced by Neal H. Moritz
Written by Rich Wilkes, directed by Rob Cohen
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